Help with serial numbers
This web page is designed to help you solve the most common problems you may encounter while registering our products. Please click on the relevant link below to get help.
DU Meter 8.0 upgrade
If you have a license for DU Meter 7.x or earlier, and after you upgraded to DU Meter 8.0, your serial number has not been accepted, visit DU Meter 8.0 upgrade information web page for more information.
Lost registration information
If you purchased a license to one of our products, but have lost or never received the registration information (user name and serial number), you can recover your registration information.
How to enter the serial number into the software
If you have trouble entering the serial number correctly into the software: cannot find where to enter it, confused with all the letters and digits, etc., we have detailed instructions for software registration for all our software.
New user
If you have never purchased a license for one of our products, and therefore you do not have a serial number, you need to visit the relevant product's web page (see links in the footer below) and click on "buy new license" to purchase a license and receive a user name and serial number, immediately via email.
Other technical issues
If you have a problem other than those specified above, please visit the support web pages for help. You can also ask for assistance if you still have trouble.
Common issues
Please do not share your serial number with anyone as doing so may likely result in the number being deactivated.